Behold The Lamb Provided

Bible Book: Luke  1 : 1-20
Subject: Birth of Christ; Christmas; Lamb of God

In the sermon series we are considering, we have been watching the unfolding of God's plan to send His Lamb into this world. When man fell in the Garden of Eden, God promised a Redeemer that would one day come and be a savior to sinners. All through the Old Testament, God worked to bring this event to pass. Every sacrifice, every ritual of Jewish worship, everything God did moved steadily toward the moment when the Lamb of God would enter this world and pay the price for man's sin. I remember Abraham as he walked up the mountain ready to sacrifice his own son in obedience to God, and Isaac asked, "Where is the lamb?" Abraham answered, "God will provide the lamb."

Our text tells us about the night that the Abraham's promise was fulfilled and God provided the lamb. It was also the moment that the Father's promise was fulfilled and His Redeemer came into this world. As we look in on the special events of that night 2000 years ago we can learn some things about how God provided His Lamb.

I am preaching today on this subject, "Behold The Lamb Provided." I want to share with you how and why God sent His son Jesus into this world and what His birth can mean to you. Allow me to share three aspects of the Lamb's provision with you this morning.

I. The Place Involved In The Lamb's Provision (1-7)

A. The Planning Of The Place (4)

The fact that it all happened in Bethlehem was no accident. The Prophet Micah had told it many years before, and every one who knew anything about Scripture knew the place He was to be born.

B. The Providence Of That Place (4)

While it was no surprise where it happened, the events that had to fall into place for it to happen as it was supposed to are amazing.

A pagan emperor had to decree that everyone had to register to be taxed.

The ruling had to come at the time that would require Mary to be in Bethlehem at the time of the delivery.

C. The Poverty Of The Place (7)

The savior's entrance into this world was anything but glorious. He had to be born in a stall used to house animals. I can't think of a more fitting place for a Lamb to be born than a stable!

D. The Picture Of The Place (7)

She wrapped Him in "swaddling clothes." Beloved those are not diapers. Swaddling clothes are grave clothes. They are what are used to wrap a dead body in for preparation for burial.

He was laid in a manger. That is a feeding trough. An appropriate place for the "Bread of Life" don't you think?

E. The Promise Of The Place (7)

The humility of the place of His birth gives access to Him to all men, and not just the elite. I am glad that shepherds came and not just kings. I could have never gotten in a palace, but I can set in a stable.

II. The People Involved In The Lamb's Provision (8, 15-19)

A. Their Occupation (8)

"Shepherds," poor, working class, uneducated, common laborers.

B. Their Obedience (15-16)

They were willing to leave everything to do what God told them to do.

C. Their Obligation (17-19)

They understood the magnitude of what they had learned and told all that they came in contact with.

III. The Praise Involved In The Lamb's Provision (9-14, 20)

A. Heavenly Praise (9-4)

1. Heavenly Appearance (9)

2. Heavenly Announcement (10-12)

3. Heavenly Anthem (13-14)

B. There Was Human Praise (20)

1. The Praise of Convinced Hearts

2. The Praise of Changed Hearts


This is the greatest story ever told! God sent His darling Son into this world to save sinners. God provided a Lamb! A Lamb just for me!

Do you have a personal relationship with the Lamb? Has the Lamb of God taken away your sin? Will you embrace Heaven's Lamb this morning? Just think, God sent a Lamb into this world to take your sins away, and that Lamb was none other than His Son Jesus! What A Savior!