Sharing Jesus With Fear

Bible Book: Luke  5 : 1-10
Subject: Witnessing; Soul Winning

I choose not to do some things in this life out of “fear.” I have no desire to go skydiving or bungee jumping. I do not want to handle a snake or have one as a pet. Although I enjoy auto racing, I do not want to drive a car at speeds approaching 200 miles per hour. I do not want to sing a solo in front of a congregation or any audience of any size.

But, I would do any one of these things that I fear in order to “save a life!” I confess that I am sometimes fearful when it comes to sharing my faith. An excellent resource was developed in recent years called Sharing Jesus Without Fear. I commend the resource as a great tool to equip believers to witness. One of my challenges is learning to share Jesus “with” fear. The early apostles likewise had to learn to trust Christ and obey Him in spite of occasions of fear and doubt. One such example is found in Luke 5

I. Notice their Reservations. [Lk. 5:1-5a]

a. “We have worked hard” (it’s not working)

“We’ve worked all night” (we tried hard without success)

“We have caught nothing” (it’s a waste of our time).

They had pulled a full shift and were ready to go home and rest. To add insult to injury, the carpenter is instructing the professional fisherman on how to do his work.

b. Verse 4 is “what the Lord wants" and verse 5 is how the disciples initially react.

c. The scripture often equates fishing and farming to witnessing. They have much in common including investment of labor and a result that is proportional to the amount of investment (i.e. sowing or casting).

d. Does it sound familiar? “We’ve tried, we’re tired, and it’ doesn’t work!”

e. Matthew 28:18-20 is what the Lord wants us to do. What’s the excuse or reservation?

   i. It’s not my gift.

   ii. It’s not what I am called to do.

   iii. I don’t know how.

   iv. I’m not good at it.

   v. I witness with my lifestyle.

   vi. I’m not worthy.

II. Notice their Reaction. [Luke 5:5b]

a. In spite of their concerns, doubts, fears, or excuses: “Nevertheless, at your word, I will…”

b. Why? He is “Lord” and they are “servants” of the Lord.

c. In spite of past failure and being tired, they reacted with obedience.

d. How do you share Jesus “with” fear?

   i. Embrace it. [It means more and says more about your faith if you share with or in spite of fear. You must really love and trust Him!]

   ii. Work with partners/teams. (verse 7) [Develop a plan with a group of friends such as a Sunday School class to work together in sharing the gospel.]

   iii. Throw out “nets.” (verse 5b) [The more nets you cast, the more kinds of nets you catch, and the more places you cast the nets, the more fish you will catch. The worship service is “a” net, but there are dozens of others.]

   iv. Prioritize your personal growth. (verses 8 & 10) [An overflow of love for Christ that emerges from an intimate relationship with Him will compel you to share.]

v. Open your eyes. (John 4:35) [They could not see the fish, but Jesus could and they were definitely there.]

III. Notice the Reward. [Luke 5:6-9]

a. They were “amazed” at the results. (verse 9)

b. They were “humbled.” (verse 8) Why? Because it was the Lord who provided the result. It was their obedience that positioned them to experience the results.

c. You are not under a quota to share with a designated number of unbelievers, but you do have responsibility. The presence or absence of fear is never mentioned as a criteria.

d. Farming and fishing? A sower must sow and a fisherman must fish or no reward can be realized. (verse 10)


Is it worth it to share Jesus “with” fear?

(Share a personal testimony of how you shared “with” fear and were blessed in spite of your reservations)