Go On To Perfection

Bible Book: Hebrews  6 : 1-6
Subject: Christian Living; Perfection; Godliness
Series: Hebrews

Mature Christianity issues forth in action which finds its root in knowing the right things and in being sure of your salvation.

Too many people think that sermon sampling, taking copious notes and studying spiritual principles are the heart of Christianity. This passage says that mature Christianity issues forth in service to mankind. Our faith cannot be something private. It is no good unless it is shared. It is useless, practically speaking, unless it touches the lives of other people. We should "minister to the saints"…v. 10…not because it is something expected of us or because it is a good thing to do. We should "minister to the saints" because that desire issues forth as a necessary part of a redeemed life. It should be a natural byproduct of being saved.

But, that kind of life is one which has a couple of essential ingredients and we are going to examine that today.

This entire passage is really about assurance. And, that is something everyone wants and needs. Let's look at the passage and see what we can learn.

I. That Which is Possible…v. 1-3

It is possible to go on unto perfection (maturity). Most churches are nowhere near the point of going on to perfection. They have not yet understood the first principles and don't see themselves as being in need of going any further. Our churches of today understand very little theology or Biblical doctrine. They replace those things with a feelings oriented Christianity light which can never lead to the spiritual maturity mentioned in this passage.

The elementary things are necessary and important but we cannot just stay there. We must go on to deeper things and incorporate them into our lives. The reason we have to keep dealing with them so much is that people don't understand and practice those so how can we ever get beyond them?

The only meal that will continually satisfy God's People is the meat of the Word. You can feed it to them every time and they never tire of it. But, if you begin feeding them something else to attract and entertain them they will tire of it quickly and you have to keep coming up with a new menu which is more exciting and fulfilling than the last one. Then you have to do it again the next week or they will ultimately become bored.

God wants us to learn the basics. Most Christians don't know the basics well enough to function properly. But God says to "go on unto perfection. So, it must be possible.

II. That Which is Impossible….v. 4-6

There are few things in this world which are absolutely impossible. Man will somehow find a way to do it. The truly impossible things are to be found in the spiritual realm where we do not form the parameters. But, this passage tells us of something which is absolutely impossible and that is this: If you were to lose your salvation, it would be impossible for you to ever be saved again. This passage is not teaching the possibility of losing your salvation. It is affirming the once-for-all nature of the sacrifice of Christ.

His atoning sacrifice can never be done again on planet earth so if you could be lost after being saved, you would not have another sacrifice of Christ to appeal to for a second salvation experience. So, if you are truly saved….that is it! It cannot happen again and also His atoning death cannot be undone either.

III. That Which is Promised…v. 7-10

Paul's confidence in these Christians.. v. 9.

The value of your work and labor of love…v.10. The word says God would be unrighteous to forget them and we know he is righteous. So, your service, work, labor of love are something that God will always remember and value.

And a reward is coming…v.7.

The good earth which produces properly receives a blessing from God. What is our work and labor of love? Ministering to the Saints…..v. 10.

IV. That Which is Performed…v. 11-12

A. Your assurance is mentioned here.
B. Assurance is understood and valued by those who do several things:

1. They go on unto perfection in understanding God's Word..v.1-3

2. They accept the finality of redemption where they are concerned…. v. 4-6 c.

3. They dedicate themselves to being obedient and productive..v.7-10.

4. They are diligent and consistent and persistent in service to our Lord Jesus Christ.


So, in these verses we go from maturity in the Word, to Confidence in the work of Jesus, to a demonstration of the reality of our faith, to full assurance which is produced by our commitment and faithfulness.

All this begs the question: Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Do you have the assurance He provides? Do you want your life to produce the right kind of things for Him? Then, commit yourself to Him in faith today.