Mother's Love Sends A Son

By J. Mike Minnix
Type: Story
Subject: Commitment
Mother's Love Sends A SonIn his book, "Man Alive," John Whittle told about a widow whose only son said he was obeying the call of God to go to the mission field. Although the woman had been a Christian for many years, her son's decision was upsetting to her because she had assumed that as she grew older he would be there when she needed him. Fear and anxiety clouded her mind.Then one day something happened that changed her outlook. Reading in John 3, the familiar words of verse 16 caught her attention in a way they never had before. The thought came to her mind that, as Whittle expressed it, "God was giving her the privilege of doing in her small way what God had done." Her entire perspective was changed. She was willing to give up her son to go to the mission field because of God's love for her. Together they were able to see themselves as partners in the Lord's service.Many mothers feel alone and sad once their children are grown and gone. But moms need to experience and feel the love of God-a love that will never decrease, never diminish and never depart! After all, God gave His Son for us.Dr. J. Mike MinnixEditorPastorLife