Bull's Eye!

By J. Mike Minnix
Type: Humor
Subject: Father; Standards
Many dads today thinking they are doing a good job with their children. However, many of those fathers have set a standard based on personal opinion or the standards of today's liberal society. It reminds me of story I read somewhere years ago.A man was driving along a narrow winding road up in rural New England when he saw a barn with five bull's-eyes painted on the side of it, and right in the middle of each one was an arrow, a perfect bull's-eye. The man's curiosity got the best of him. He pulled over, got out of the car, and went to the house near the barn, hoping to meet the man who could shoot arrows with such precision. The farmer was surprised that anyone would take such interest in his marksmanship and invited the traveller outside for an exhibition of his shooting skill with the bow and arrow. He carefully loaded the bow and swiftly shot the arrow into the side of the barn. Then he went inside the barn, came out with a paint brush and a bucket of paint, and carefully and meticulously painted a target around the arrow. By doing this, he made sure that the arrow was right in the middle of the bull's-eye.Now that's one way to never miss the mark. Many dads do what they think is right and call it a bull's eye decision. Our standards must be based on God's Word. When we read the Scripture, we find god's standard for a good father. Check yourself against the Word of God and then see how you measure up!