Sell This Suit!

By J. Gerald Harris
Type: Humor
Subject: Enthusiasm; Determination

Did you hear about the man who desperately needed a job? And he applied for a job in a clothing store. And the manager of the clothing store said, “Okay,

Here’s the deal. I have this ugly, ugly suit. If you can sell it, you have the job.”

Well, this man who had been unemployed for a period of time was ecstatic. He said, “That's great. All I wanted was a chance.” Well, an hour later he came back to the manager and said very excitedly, “I did it. I did it. I sold that suit.”

The manager was quite pleased. He said, “You must be a determined salesman. But tell me, where did you get all of those lacerations? Was the customer angry?”

And the man said, “Oh, no sir. But his seeing eye dog nearly tore me to pieces.”

Well, that man was determined to sell that suit and he was enthusiastic about doing it.