Jesus Gets The Credit

By J. Mike Minnix
Type: History
Subject: Selflessness; Humility

Jesus Gets The Credit

The story is told of a man who was the overseer of a work appointed by King Edward. The man’s name was William Wickham. King Edward appointed William to build a majestic church. William had these words placed in the windows, "This work made William Wickham."

King Edward charged that William Wickham took credit for the work by putting those words in the windows, when he was only the overseer of the work. William Wickham stated that he did not mean to say that he “made the work,” but that the “work made him.”

He went on to say that before the overseer job had been given to him, he was poor and in need. But, the work had “made him” a man in good standing. Likewise, we Christians do not take credit for our salvation or any of our works after we are saved.

It is not we who have “made the work,” but it is Christ who has “made us” through His work; and, He has given us a wonderful work to do. All the credit goes to Jesus!

Dr. J. Mike Minnix, Editor