Neill Faucett

Neill Faucett
Atlanta, GA

Neill Faucett
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Managing Principal, Lubert-Adler Management, Inc.
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Neill Faucett
Neill B. Faucett is a Managing Principal of Lubert-Adler, focusing on new acquisitions and asset management in the Southeastern United States.

Mr. Faucett has 30 years experience in the real estate investment sector. Prior to joining Lubert-Adler, Mr. Faucett formed Faucett Consulting which advises its Real Estate clients in equity and financing transaction and in strategic planning and business structures. Previously, Mr. Faucett founded the Atlanta accounting firm, Faucett Taylor & Associates, where he focused on the Real Estate industry.

Mr. Faucett graduated with Honors and a B.S. in Accounting from Auburn University.

Neill Faucett is an outstanding Christian layman who shares the saving grace of Christ with people openly and freely. He is serves the Lord in numerous ministries around the world.

Title Book/Chapter/Verse Subject
The Purpose of Suffering 2 Corinthians  12 :7-10 Suffering; Persecution; Christian Joy; Purpose; Eternity

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