Jimmy Draper

Jimmy Draper
Jimmy Draper

Jimmy Draper is President Emeritus of LifeWay Christian Resources. Until February 1, 2006, he was the President and C.E.O. for 15 years. He has a passion for ministry! He is not retired; he just has a new assignment in life! He is still called to share the good news and gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

He was called to preach when he was 14 years old and is still very active preaching today! He has often times been referred to as "Mr. Southern Baptist," but his ministry has always transcended denominational lines. He loves people and has a deep heartfelt desire to reach people for Christ and to encourage, challenge and inspire them in their faith.
If you would like to have Jimmy speak for your church or organization, just fill out the event booking information and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

James T. Draper Jr.
President Emeritus
LifeWay Christian Resources

Birth - Oct. 10, 1935; parents, James T. and Lois Keeling Draper (deceased)

diploma, Milby High School, Houston, Texas, 1953
* bachelor of arts degree, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1957
* bachelor of divinity degree, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, 1961
* master of divinity degree, Southwestern Seminary, 1973
* doctor of divinity degree, Howard Payne University,
Brownwood, Texas, 1974
* doctor of humanities degree, Dallas Baptist University,
Dallas, Texas, 1982
* doctor of divinity degree, Campbell University,
Buies Creek, N.C., 1983
* doctor of divinity degree, California Baptist University,
Riverside, Calif., 2003

Carol Ann Floyd of Lake Jackson, Texas, on July 14, 1956
Children and Family
* James Randall Draper, Colleyville, Texas; wife Elizabeth; two sons, Kyle and Kevin
* Bailey Ray Draper, North Richland Hills, Texas; wife Kim; two sons,
Jon Thomas and James Michael
* Terri Jean Wilkinson, Bryan, Texas; husband, Mike; one son, Wes;
one daughter, Leigh Ann

Previous Positions
* president and CEO, LifeWay Christian Resources, 1991 - 2006
* pastor, First Baptist Church of Euless, Texas, 1975-91
* associate pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, 1973-75
* pastor, First Southern Baptist Church of Del City, Okla., 1970-73
* pastor, Red Bridge Baptist Church of Kansas City, Mo., 1965-70
* pastor, University Park Baptist Church of San Antonio, Texas, 1962-65
* pastor, Temple Baptist Church of Tyler, Texas, 1961-62
* pastor, Iredell Baptist Church of Iredell, Texas, 1959-61
* pastor, Steep Hollow Baptist Church of Bryan, Texas, 1956-58

Denominational Activities
* chairman of board of trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1990-91; trustee 1984-91
* president of Southern Baptist Convention, 1982-84
* trustee of Baylor University, 1974-83
* trustee of Southern Baptist Annuity Board, 1974-82
* president of Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference, 1979-80
* executive board and numerous committees of Baptist General Convention of Texas
* vice president and president of executive board of Tarrant Baptist Association
* served on numerous committees of Tarrant Baptist Association and other
* trustee of Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, Mo. In 1980's
* trustee of California Baptist University 2005-

* "The Church Christ Approves"
* "Say, Neighbor, Your House Is on Fire"
* "Foundations of Biblical Faith"
* "Amos: The Conscience of a Nation"
* "The Unveiling"
* "If the Foundations Be Destroyed"
* "Authority: The Critical Issue for Southern Baptists"
* "Authority: The Critical Issue for the Body of Christ" (Revision)
* "Hebrews: The Life That Pleases God"
* "Proverbs: The Secret of Beautiful Living"
* "Titus: Patterns for Church Living"
* "I and II Thessalonians: The Hope of a Waiting Church"
* "Jonah: Living in Rebellion"
* "Philippians: The Believer's Joy in Christ"
* "Ecclesiastes: Life Without God"
* "James: Faith and Works in Balance"
* "Colossians: A Portrait of Christ"
* "Basic Bible Sermons on Psalms for Daily Living"
* "Trusting Thy Word"
* "O Desafio da Palavra"
* "Bridges to the Future"
* "Where Real Worship Begins"
* "Every Christian a Minister"
* "The Church Anticipating the Kingdom Appearing, Studies from I & II Timothy"
* "Preaching with Passion"
* "We Believe"
* "LifeWay Legacy"

Missions Involvement
Draper has traveled to 35 countries around the world, leading in evangelistic services and activities and other types of conferences and meetings with missionaries and nationals. He organized and led the Kenyan Coast Crusade in 1990 with 536 volunteers from 16 states and 81 churches. Over 60,000 professions of faith were made during that crusade. He has been involved in more than 20 mission partnership missions.

Carol Ann Draper
Carol Ann Draper has been carefully crafted by God through a life-time of experiences. She was raised in a Christian family that was loving and dedicated. She was the head-majorette in the band in her high school and elected "Most Beautiful" by her classmates her senior year. Her outward beauty is surpassed by an amazing spirit and heart passion that expresses itself in everything she does.

She has seen the highs and lows of life with her preacher husband and their ministry together, seeing three kids grow into mature and Christ-honoring adults, and now has six grandchildren, who all love the Lord and two of them are in the ministry. What an incredible woman she is and her testimony and messages for women are unsurpassed.

She was honored in 2006 by being named the recipient of the Mrs. J.M. Dawson award given annually for the woman recognized as having lasting and significant ministry in the SBC.

Carol Ann Draper was born on November 3 in San Antonio, Texas, raised in a Christ-centered Home and the youngest of three children. Saved at age seven and surrendered for "special service" at age nine.

Graduated: Brazosport High School, Freeport, Texas
Attended: Baylor University, Waco, Texas
PHT Degree: Southwestern Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas
(PHT = put Hubby through!)
Still Enrolled: In the Lord's Seminary of Daily Living ...ever learning more about my Precious Savior and Lord.

Marriage Ministry
Married : July 14, 1956 to Jimmy Draper a ministerial student at Baylor University, now Dr. James T. Draper, Jr., President Emeritus of LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, Tennessee.
Pastor's Wife: For 35 years and loved it.
July 1991: Became the wife of an Executive and still in ministry.
Husband retired Feb. 1, 2006: Both still active in ministry.

Claim to Fame: My precious children who Love the Lord and are serving
Him faithfully in their local churches.
Randy Draper...and wife Elizabeth have two sons, Kyle and Kevin.
Bailey Draper...and wife Kim have two sons Jon and James.
Terri Draper Wilkinson...and husband Mike have Wes and Leigh Ann.
Grandchildren: are a joy and delight to "MIMI'S" heart.

Lois Draper, known to all that knew her, as "Grandmother" lived in our home for 32 years. A Godly woman and one who loved me regardless and brought warmth, fun and love into our home. The Lord called her home in October 1997.

Widely used as a conference and seminar speaker. Gifted counselor, Bible teacher and communicator. Her genuine walk with the Lord makes her "believable" as she shares Bible principles and truths. Hear her prayerfully.

Awarded the Mrs. J.M. Dawson award in 2006 at the SBC Ministers' Wives Luncheon in Greensboro, NC, which is given annually to a woman whose distinguished service has made a "distinct denominational contribution."

Title Book/Chapter/Verse Subject
The Call from Without Acts  16 :6-10 Evangelism; Outreach; Soul Winning; Missions

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