Thomas P. Johnston

Thomas P. Johnston
Thomas P. Johnston
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Kansas City, KS

Tom Johnston serves as Professor of Evangelism at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.

Tom was born in France to missionary parents. He was saved and baptized in France. It was not until his last year in college at Wheaton College that God clearly confirmed his call for Tom to pursue full-time Christian service. Through an evangelism class, while a first year student at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, God impressed on Tom's heart the crying need for evangelism. He then founded the Trinity Evangelistic Team, leading other students out in street evangelism each week. Since that time, he has founded evangelism teams at every educational institution where he has learned or served.

Johnston earned his Doctor of Philosophy from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2001. His dissertation was published under the title Examining Billy Graham's Theology of Evangelism (Wipf & Stock, 2003). Johnston also authored Charts for a Theology of Evangelism (Broadman, 2007) and edited Mobilizing a Great Commission Church for Outreach: Voices and Views from the Southern Baptist Professors of Evangelism Fellowship (Wipf & Stock, 2011), a book with chapters by nineteen Southern Baptist professo's of evangelism. He has just completed a book titled, "The Worth and Work of the Evangelist for a Great Commission Church," with Evangelist Keith Fordham. He has also published Evangelizology and Evangelism in the Western Church both with Evangelism Unlimited (2011), and both of which are available online at

Johnston has published articles in The Trinity Journal, Perichoresis, Midwestern Journal of Theology, Preaching Magazine, and Decision Magazine.

Johnston has taught evangelism at ten institutions in the U.S., Canada, Eastern and Western Europe, and in Africa since 1985. He has pastored seven churches in Quebec, Manitoba, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri. Johnston also served as the president of the Southern Baptist Professors of Evangelism Fellowship from 2004 to 2010, and has been recently nominated to be their semi-permanent Secretary-Treasurer. Johnston founded Evangelism Unlimited, Inc., in 1985, and is the organization's president.

Tom is married to Raschelle, and they have three grown children: Katie is a nurse, married to Mike Hunter; they live in the St. Louis area; Jon is student at Midwestern and Pastoral Fellow at Lenexa Baptist Church; and Josh is a student at the University of Missouri.

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