Sermon Series: Bible Doors

Title: Sermon Series: Bible Doors
Category: Sermon Series
Subject: Sermon Series

Bible Doors

Sermon Series Idea
Dr. J. Mike Minnix, Editor

Doors are so common that all of us take them for granted; however, several times the Bible mentions a door or doors in a significant way. A wonderful series of sermons can be developed by choosing a few of these examples and applying the divine message surrounding them. Also, the thoughtful preacher can increase the interest in this series by placing a notice of the upcoming series on the inside of every door from which people leave the church buildings. In addition, once the series has begun, those notices can be changed each week to emphasize the next message in the series. An 8 ½” X 11” sheet that is tastefully done can highlight the series. One further thing that some preachers might choose to do is to have some men who are handy with tools to place a framed door on the platform. This door could remain in place throughout the series to help drive home the magnitude of the messages being preached.

The messages listed below are only examples, and are basically in outline form with a few remarks to help inspire you as you prepare to preach God’s Word each week. I pray some of you find this kind of thing helpful as you study and declare the unsearchable riches of our Lord.


The Prayer Door

Matthew 6:6 (Luke 11:7)

The disciples observed the prayer life of Jesus. We are thankful that Jesus taught on the subject as well. In this passage He shares instructions on the importance of a private, personal and powerful prayer life with the Heavenly Father.

I. The Priority on Prayer

Jesus did not say “if” you pray but “when” you pray! Jesus inferred that every believer would make prayer a regular practice in life. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, as recorded in Matthew 6:11, Jesus included the words, “Give us this day our daily bread.” This indicates that Jesus expected His followers to pray “this day” and every day!

God has always put a priority on His children meeting with Him. When the world was created (Genesis 1-2), humans were created on the sixth day. The first day that man awoke form his night of sleep was the Sabbath or Lord’s Day. Man went to sleep the day he was created and woke up, not to work but to worship God. We are not fit for God’s work till we have spent time with God.

If we expect to have a vital prayer life, we must put priority on praying. Prayer is more important than all our other tasks.

II. The Place of Prayer

Jesus said, “…go into your room.” Our Lord was stating that we should have a regular place to pray. Some people say they do their praying while doing the dishes, on the job or driving the family car. Continual praying is commendable and Biblical; however, it can never take the place of a daily quiet time. Surely Jesus prayed as He walked and worked, but He also went away from everyone to a private place to pray. Quiet time should be scheduled in a specific place everyday. Of course, if one is away on vacation, or on a business trip, the customary place will not be available. In that case, a place must be made where you are.

III. The Privacy of Prayer

Jesus said, “…go into your room, and when you have shut the door, pray…” One should have a private corner where the world is shut out and only God and the believer are present together. It needs to be a place where peace and quiet rule. The prayer door means to silence oneself as much as possible so that the world is shut out.

IV. The Period of Prayer

We live in the age of time-saving gadgets, yet we seem to have no time! Take time for God. Schedule a time when you will not be hurried. Get up early if you must. Stay up late in you must. But don’t rob God of the time you should spend with Him daily.

V. The Plan of Prayer

We must pray according to our hearts; however, we can create ways to pray so that we don’t forget important things in our prayer life.

A time of praise and thanksgiving should accompany our prayer time (Note Philippians 4:6-7).

Also, there should be time of confession, when we think upon and repent of thoughts, attitudes, and actions that disappoint our Lord (Note 1 John 1:9).

Our prayer time can, and should, involve reading portions of the Bible. This allows God to speak to us clearly through His Word.

Then, there ought to be a time of intercession, when we pray for others. A faithful prayer warrior will keep a list on hand so as to recall all those for whom he or she is to pray. Don’t forget to lift up your own needs to the Lord (Note 1 Peter :7).

Lastly, I have found it helpful to always close my prayer time with praise.

VI. The Promise of Prayer

In Matthew 6:6, Jesus said that God would reward us if we would pray following these guidelines. We do not simply pray for results, as if we are looking to a heavenly Santa Claus; however, the Lord promised that our prayers would be heard and answered. In the end, our desire is to know the Lord more personally and to please Him more fully. One cannot have either of those desires met without proper praying!


The Resurrection Door

Matthew 27:60

When Jesus was taken down from the Cross, He was placed in a borrowed tomb and a stone “door” was placed in the opening. Guards were set before the door to make sure Jesus stayed securely entombed. To us who know the whole story, the act of the authorities in seeking to make certain that Jesus remained in the grave is humorous. Note three important issues related to The Resurrection Door.

I. They Sought To Shut Him Out

The door was placed there to be sure that Jesus was shut out of daily life among the people. Jesus had become a thorn in the side of the religious leaders and political leaders of His day. The people were flocking to Him and something had to be done to separate Him from the populace. Do you see any comparison to the leaders of our day? Can’t you see how the media, entertainment, art, education, politics and almost ever area of our world is seeking to shut Jesus out?

II. They Sought To Shut Him Up

The words of Jesus were powerful. The people said that no man had ever spoken like Him. The authorities who were used to spinning the message to the public found that they had no way to “spin” the people away from Jesus. They just had to shut him up. They tried confronting Him when He was teaching, but every trick they used failed. They tried to trap Him in inconsistencies, but that also failed. They sought to draw the people away from His teachings, but they followed Him wherever He went. Why did the people follow Him? They followed Him because He had the words of life. Have you noticed how many documentaries and television programs try to dishonor the words of Jesus? They claim wild things about Him with one goal in mind: Shut Him UP! That is what they were doing when they crucified Him and placed in the tomb. The door over that grave was meant to shut him up!

III. They Sought To Shut Him In

When Jesus was crucified, their intent was to shut Him inside the tomb and ensure that no one could get to Him. They were satisfied that shutting Him inside the tomb, with an seemingly immoveable door, would solve their problems. There are people today who tell those of us who are Christians that our Gospel, our Bible and our Savior should remain in our churches. They want to shut Jesus up inside our religious buildings. “Go ahead,” they say, “meet in your little circle of right-wing, fanatical, religious nut jobs. Just don’t come outside talking about it where we are.” Too bad! We cannot shut up. We cannot stop sharing His message of love and grace. We cannot but tell what He has done for us. We cannot shut up because he did not remain “shut up” in that tomb!

IV. They Discovered That No Door Could Hold Him

All the guards, all the authorities and all the demons could not possibly shut Him out, shut Him up or shut Him in! On that Sunday morning, the earth trembled. The door moved! Jesus got up. Jesus got out. Jesus got the final word. Thank God for the resurrection door.


The Salvation Door

John 10:7-9

If I were to ask you to describe Jesus, you would use lofty, lovely and laudable words to picture Him. Yet, even if you had the voice of an angel, you could not do justice to the beauty, the wonder and the majesty of Christ. But when Christ spoke of Himself, He used such simple, earthly terms. He spoke of Himself as bread, as a shepherd, as water, and in our passage today as the most common of human elements: The Door. He did not say He was “a” door, rather He called Himself “The Door.”

I. The Necessity of the Door

Doors are an absolute necessity. You cannot get into physical structures without them. Likewise, heaven has a door, salvation has a door, a relationship with God requires a door. The question is, Where can the door be found? Many voices seek to give people the answer, however, Jesus made it plain that He alone is the Door to a relationship with the Heavenly Father. That is the whole point of what He was teaching on this occasion.

Think of it. We are hungry. What if no door existed to the kitchen of grace? We are sick. What if no door of healing existed for the soul? We are dirty. What if no existed to the pool of cleansing existed? To see the table filled with food, to see the doctor with medicine, to see the pool of cleansing and yet to be outside with no entrance would be sad indeed. For us to be filled, for us to be fed, for us to be faultless and clean, there had to be a door. Thank God, there is a door, that Door is Jesus!

II. The Singularity of the Door

We must be made aware that there is but one door. Dr. Luke penned this clearly in Acts 4:10-12. There was only one door in the Old Testament Tabernacle. There was only one door to the Old Testament Temple. There was only one door in the Ark of Noah. There is only one Door to Heaven, and that Door is Jesus.

“Is your mother home?” the salesman asked a small boy sitting on the steps in front of a house. “Yeah, she's home,” the boy said, scooting over to let him past. The salesman rang the doorbell, and got no response. He knocked once, then again. Still no one came to the door. Turning to the boy, the fellow said, “I thought you said your mother was home.” The kid replied, “She is; but this isn't where I live.”

Friend, it does you no good to go to the wrong door. There are many religions and many cults and many promises, but only One Savior. Jesus is the Real Thing, he is The Door. He is not a door, or a good door, He is The Door!

III. The Availability of the Door

He is available. “Whoever enters through me ….” Not every door is available to you or to me. Some doors read, “Keep Out!” Some doors read, “Employees Only” or “Authorized Personnel Only.” The intent is clear, we are not to try to enter those doors. But this door is inviting. Jesus says, “Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Jesus tells us to “enter the door.” This door is not just for the rich, nor is it just for the poor. This door is not just for the good, nor just the evil. All have need of this door and all have access.

IV. The Generosity at the Door

Great wealth may lay behind some doors. The doors to Fort Knox, for example, contain the gold reserves of the United States of America. The doors of a bank may hide millions of dollars. But there is no door so generous in wealth as the Door of Life, Jesus Christ.


The Judgment Door

James 5:7-12

James wrote to the Christians of his day and told them there were certain things they should do because the God of judgment was at the door. In other words, we must live each moment as if God’s hand is on the door and He is ready to open it and bring about judgment.

In Florida some time ago, residents awoke from a night of sleep to behold something truly remarkable. The ground beneath the street outside their homes had literally collapsed during the night. The street and disappeared into what is called a sinkhole. During the ensuing day, the sinkhole grew larger and larger. Cars, pavement, sidewalks, even lawn furniture fell into the enlarging cavity (as told by Gordon MacDonald in Ordering Your Private World). Life is sometimes like a sinkhole. The ground beneath just seems to give way. Plans and hopes seem to disappear from view. What is a Christian to do in such an uncertain world, especially when it seems that the environment of society is so anti-Christian these days?

Our nation is liberalizing its laws while decrying crime. Our schools are demanding acceptance of diversity while complaining about kids with crack cocaine on the noses, rings hanging from various parts of their bodies and heavy metal t-shirts draped over their shoulders. Our government is voting in more and more government control of our lives while claiming that individuals and families must take more responsibility. Parents are denouncing the free sex attitude of kids while schools and government agencies hand out condoms to their children. There is a cacophony of conflicting voices which confuses our generation and leaves many people dazed and absent a moral equilibrium for standing straight in such a crooked world. What is a Christian to do?

Sin is increasing, sorrow is enlarging, and suffering is expanding in our world. What is a Christian to do? Into dark times like these, James sent a word from God. It is word to beleaguered and weary saints! There is something the true believer in Jesus Christ can do in somber situations like those of our day. James shares three things that will lift the spirit of any Christian who will trust and obey.

I. Listen to the Exhortation James 5:7a

First, and foremost, we must listen carefully to the commands of our Lord found in His word. The passage begins with an imperative, which is the same as an army officer giving the troops an order from the Commander-in-chief. We must be careful not to face uncertain times with human understanding or impulses, but rather we must face such times with spiritual inspiration and obedience. So, what is it that this command states?

When James A. Garfield was president of Hiram College, a man brought for admission as a student, his son, for whom he wished a shorter course than the regular. "The boy can never take all that in," said the father. "He wants to get through quicker. Can you arrange it for him?" Mr. Garfield, a minister‑educator said, "Oh yes. He can take a short course; it all depends on what you want to make of him. When God wants to make an oak, He takes a hundred years, but He takes only two months to make a squash." Pulpit Helps, Jan. 1992, p. 10. If we truly want to be something for God, we must learn the spiritual operation of patience.

A. We Must Wait Patiently

The word patience is used several times in these verses. The passage begins with an imperative to patience. "Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." (Rousseau_Instant Quotation Dictionary_, p. 225).

B. We Must Work Productively

We can work without grumbling. We can labor without murmuring against each other. Here is a very important lesson! Warren Wiesbre points out in his book on this subject, that farmers have long been known for their cooperation. If one is in trouble, the neighbors will come to his aid. Barn-raising and crop-gathering for sick or overburdened farmers has long been a part of the history of farmers. We must work the same way!

That is what God would have us do for each other. We must not grumble, but we must encourage each other in the work of God. No one really knows how truly effective a word of encouragement may be till it is given.

C. We Must Witness Positively

Like the prophets of old who had a word for the Lord in negative times, we can have a positive witness in a dark world. We can let our yes be yes and our no be no! We can tell it like it is on all occasions, and do it with love!

II. Look toward the Examples

There is a second consideration for us as we live in dark days of demonic disturbance. We must look to the examples which God has for us in His Word. James points out three such examples for us in this passage and each one has a particular purpose.

A. An Example of Circumstances - The Weather

The farmer is one example. He faces circumstances beyond his control, but he can still trust God with the results! Some circumstances in our day work against us, but we can trust our Lord to see us through. Like the farmer, we must do our part and trust the rest to God.

B. An Example of Confrontation - The Wars

The prophet is an example of someone who had to face opposition from people. The prophet had to be a warrior for God. Sometimes attacking, sometimes standing his ground, sometimes holding on to God when all hope appeared to be lost. He was called on to be a good soldier of Lord.

We cannot help here but think of a man like Jeremiah. He was once cast into a pit where he mired up to his waist in mud and muck. His enemies did not want to hear his message of impending any more than people want to hear such a message today. Yet, Jeremiah remained true and faithful. He was tempted to keep silent, but he stated that the message burned in his bones like a mighty fire.

C. An Example of Confusion - The Worries

Job is another example of the attack that comes against us. Here we see the believer confused. Job could not understand what was happening to him. He was worried and troubled by his situation, but God was still on the throne.

III. Live in the Excitement

A. The Exciting Compassion of the Lord

You will note that the text speaks of the compassion and mercy of the Lord. It is exciting to know that God does not give us what we deserve but ready He blesses us according to the riches of His dear Son, Jesus! He is compassionate and has not forgotten you. He did not give Job what he deserved but doubly blessed him following his long, patient wait.

B. The Exciting Control of the Lord

God has a former and a latter rain. What He did in the former days, He will do in the latter days. God is on the throne and will bless His people forevermore. When we look at how God brought Joseph out of his situation and made him the prime minister of Egypt, we rejoice! Pharaoh thought he was in control, but he was wrong. Nimrod thought he was in control, but he was wrong. Sennacarib thought he was in control, but he was wrong. Haman thought he was in control but, but he was wrong. Herod thought he was in control, but he was wrong. Agrippa thought he was in control, but he was wrong. Dear friend, Satan thinks he is in control, but - praise God - he is wrong, too!!!

Our God is an awesome God and He is still upon the throne. What is more important, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The songwriter penned it thus, "Our God Reigns." Indeed, He does! No matter how things may look, let us look to Him who holds the four winds in his hands - our wonderful Lord!

C. The Exciting Coming of the Lord

The great preacher F. B. Meyer once asked D. L. Moody, "What is the secret of your success?" Moody replied, "For many years I have never given an address without the consciousness that the Lord may come before I have finished." This may well explain the intensity of his service and the zeal of his ministry for Christ.

He is coming, hallelujah! We shall see Him by and by. Let this excite your soul and encourage your heart! He is at the DOOR, keep on keeping on till He opens that door and comes for us. And don't forget to share your faith in Jesus, for the door judgment is not an exciting subject if a person is unprepared with our Lord returns!


The Heart’s Door

Revelation 3:20

We have all had someone knock on the door of our home when it was inconvenient to answer. Perhaps we were just stepping out of the shower or on a very sensitive or important phone call at the time. Whatever the reason, we allowed the visitor to walk away. Many have done that with the Lord. He comes to knock, not on the door of our homes, but on the door of our hearts.

I. The Personal Nature of this Visitor

“Behold, I..” It is the Lord, Himself, who comes to knock on your hearts door. This is not a emotional feeling you are having. This is not some aura or ghostly thing that is happening to you. The Lord is asking for entrance into your life. He comes to save. He comes to redeem. He comes of forgive.

II. The Persistent Nature of this Visitor

The way this is worded, the Lord keeps knocking. Don’t misunderstand, this does not mean that you can open the door whenever you please. In fact, if you shut Him out too long, you deafen your own ears to the sound of His call. You can reach the point that you no longer hear his rapping hand upon your heart.

Some years ago, I got a call from a man who was very upset and needed to talk to me. He told me how He had sensed God calling to Him for many years, but he had always said, “Later, I will answer.” He told me that he no longer felt or heard God speaking to Him at all. He wept in my presence. He was an important and successful business man, but he was lost. God had been at the door of his heart for years, but he could not answer. He thought he could come to the Lord whenever he wanted to do so. He was wrong. As far as I know, that man never came to Christ!

He will come again and again, but you endanger your soul is you turn Him away one time too many.

III. The Promising Nature of this Visitor

The Lord promises that He is ready to enter and have lasting, eternal fellowship with those who answer His call. It is important to note hear that the Lord does not force the door open. He does not knock the door down; He simply knocks and waits for the occupant to open it. Is God speaking to you? Can you hear Him asking for entrance into your heart and life? Answer Him now. He promises to enter and change your life.

It is interesting that when a person opens the door or his or her life to Jesus, He opens a door for that person. He opens the door to His forgiveness. He opens the door of peace. He opens the door to a life with meaning. In the end, Jesus opens the door to heaven.

A remember hearing a song some years ago that repeated the words, “Knock, knock, knocking on heaven’s door.” My friend, it does no good to knock on heaven’s door if you have not open your heart when Jesus first knocked on your door!


Other ideas to consider:

The Glorious Door

Revelation 4:1

This is the door revealing God’s glory and heaven’s splendor. See the sermon within PastorLife on The Glorious Throne of God.

The Evangelism Door

We have a message to share with the world. The Church at Philadelphia had an open door of evangelism. Our churches can have that same door today.

See Revelation 3:8; Acts 14:27; 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12 and Colossians 4:3 – the door will open to those who will share God’s plan of salvation with the lost world