
Title: Distraction
Subject: Focus

2 Timothy 2:4, "No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier." NKJV

Life is full of distractions. The "urgent" many times pushes out the "important." In our busy world the values of life are replaced by the distractions of the temporary. Spending replaces saving. Watching TV replaces family time. Busy lifestyles take away our devotional quiet time. The distractions mount up in our lives.

The believer cannot afford to be distracted from the things of God. The Christian life must be maintained with a time for God every day. No matter the strength of the distraction devotions must be a priority.

Have you found yourself distracted from the things of God? Maybe a job, or a house, or a hobby has captured your attention. Have you lost the desire to study God''s Word? Have you been more interested in your favorite magazine? Take inventory today. Find the distractions and deal with them. Give up the urgent for the important. Call on the Lord, spend time with Him today. You will be captivated by Him once again.

No part-time Christianity allowed!!

Think on these things.