
Title: Authority
Category: Devotions
Subject: Authority
May God bless you this day ... to teach with authority!

John Wesley Michael, Jr. That name won't mean much to you, but just the sound of it brings back hundreds of memories for me. Mr. Michael was one of my high school teachers. And while I have had some amazing instructors and professors over the years, including a former U.S. Secretary of State (but that's a Note for another day), few people have had as much impact on my life as this man.

I first met him one hot August day when I was 15. He seemed old at the time but was just barely in his thirties. He had a degree in some mystical thing called 'pure mathematics' and had a grasp of such concepts as the curvature of the universe. I didn't understand it then and don't understand it now. Yet I grew to love that kind of stuff and over the next few years would take every course he taught. But on the day of our first meeting, he scared me to death.

Mr. Michael had served in the military, Checkpoint Charley at the Berlin Wall to be exact. He understood what freedom was, what it meant to lose it, and the importance of fighting for it. He was a man dedicated to discipline and truth. He was not impressed with natural intelligence as much as a desire to do one''s absolute best. And he brought all of this to the classroom where he required 110% effort.

I think what scared me most was not so much his demands, but the authority he carried. He was a teacher, but there had been many teachers before. Some had been caring, others simply working a job. But there was something different about this man's authority. It had not been given to him by the Board of Education. It was not simply the result of his degrees. And though it definitely was "unquestioned", it wasn't the kind that forbid any question. In fact, because of him I learned that true understanding only comes through boldly questioning not only the mysteries of life, but also what we assume to be true.

Mr. Michael's authority was found in the man he had become. He knew what was true and he shared it. He knew what was wrong and he pointed it out. He was willing to take a stand for what was right, even if it meant being an outcast. He was a Christian, but didn't ram it down anyone's throat. He didn't have to.

Mr. Michael was a man of integrity and he taught me to be one.

When Jesus walked this earth, He astounded people with His teachings. He spoke of love as being the sign of those who follow Him and cautioned that merely calling Him Lord would not guarantee anyone the right to enter heaven. But it was not the teachings themselves that held everyone's attention.

When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. Matthew 7:28

When Jesus spoke, He taught as one who knew exactly what He was talking about. He had an absolute confidence in what He was saying. The crowds' reaction was the same that we, too, often experience whenever we think we know what's going on. It may be about Scripture, a legal matter, or how to prune a tree. We have been given just enough knowledge to feel "confident" in knowing what to do, until an expert comes along. Then we're amazed, maybe even to the point of being forever changed.

of us are called to be teachers in one way or another. If we care for others or stand for integrity, we teach those who witness our actions to do likewise. In the same way, if we mistreat someone or act out of fear, aren't we also teaching those around us who we really are and what we truly believe?

Jesus said, I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (John 13:15) That can be very difficult, and even more so for those who have taken the role of teacher. They directly affect the lives of countless students and because of that, will be judged more strictly. (James 3:1) So it is critical that we pray for our teachers, that God would fill them with His spirit, giving them integrity, courage and incredible patience. Their job is tremendous. They deserve our thanks and respect. And they need our encouragement to become and remain...people who have authority.

Take care and be God's,

Ciloa ... Encouraging one another as long as it is called Today!

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