Winning A Soul Just A Start

Title: Winning A Soul Just A Start
Category: Evangelism Issues
Subject: Evangelism
Winning a soul is just the start

Jim Mastin

One of the exciting things about soul winning is that you never know where it will lead. Let me tell you two brief stories, one 35 years ago and one this past year. When I went to Milwaukee, WI to start a church, I spent a lot of time doing door-to-door soul winning. One Saturday afternoon I knocked on the door of an upstairs apartment in the city area of Milwaukee. A lady answered the door and I asked if I could talk to them about a church I was starting. I asked her and her husband about their church background, they were both Catholic. I presented them the plan of salvation and they both prayed on their knees to receive Christ.

They got baptized and began coming to church regularly. A few weeks later we had Friend Day. The lady I had won brought 29 first time visitors that Sunday and several of them were saved. But that's not the end of the story.

She later became our church secretary and became a great soul winner herself. Thirty-five years later my wife and I still stay in touch with her.

And then last year, I had the privilege of leading a middle aged mother to the Lord. I baptized her at one of the local churches in our Association. I asked about her family and she had one son not yet saved. We made arrangements and I witnessed to him and he got saved. I baptized him. A while later I had occasion to meet her mother. I found she was not saved. I ran by her house on a Wednesday afternoon on the way to preach and won her to Christ. I found out that within ten minutes she had called several people to tell them how happy she was to be saved. I then baptized her.

Once again, the story doesn''t end there. The daughter I won became burdened for soul winning and now helps me with all the publications, CD's, etc. in my soul winning ministry, as a volunteer.