
Title: Unknown
Subject: Problems

Psalm 19:12, “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.” NKJV

My county requires an emission inspection for most vehicles. Recently my truck failed the emissions inspection. The mechanic plugged in the diagnostic equipment to find the problem. The code that was rendered was a very difficult code. There were many different things that could have been the problem. Finally, my truck passed.

In the life of the believer things sometimes go wrong. Troubles arise from unexpected sources. Difficulties come through strange happenings. Occasionally, when things begin to unravel, I find myself asking "why?" During these times it is good to check out the heart. Is the heart clean? Is there sin that is unconfessed? Do I have the right heart attitude? When I don't understand what is going on I realize it is time to talk to God. Maybe there is something in my life that He is bringing to the surface. Our responsibility is to examine ourselves. We are to find out if there is a wicked way in our lives.

Maybe your life is experiencing the difficulties of the unknown. The first place to go is to the Lord. Let Him inspect you to see if there is a problem. His diagnostic equipment is "state of the art." He will reveal your problem and give you an instant repair. Call on Him today. Clean up the unknown in your life and see how much easier it is to live.

Happy Motoring

David Hammonds
Sardis Baptist Church
Palmetto, Georgia