The Value of Leadership

Title: The Value of Leadership
Category: Leadership Issues
Subject: Leadership
The Value of Leadership
J. Mike Minnix

Ted Engstrom shares an interesting quote on page 20 of his book entitled, "The Making of a Christian Leader." (The Zondevan Corporation, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976). He writes, "Nicholas Murray Butler, a former President of Columbia University, said, 'There are three kinds of people in the world - those who don't know what's happening, those who watch what's happening and those who make things happen.'"

How right Dr. Butler was. Leadership involves "making things happen." In order for things to happen, a leader must have a vision, see the value of involving people and money in the pursuit of the vision, and have the volition to get himself and others moving toward that vision.

As a pastor, what is God's vision for your ministry, what value do you place on it, and how many people are you involving in getting God's vision accomplished in a timely, effective manner? A leader is never ashamed to call, urge, prod and 'demand' that people join him in accomplishing a God-given vision. In a day when our churches are becoming seeker friendly, should we not teach God's people to discover and devote themselves to a divine vision? Sure we should - that is leadership!