The Evangelist

Title: The Evangelist
Category: Evangelism Issues
Subject: Evangelist, Ministry of the
From the Editor: “The office of the evangelist is a Biblical office ordained by the Lord. Dr. Fordham, a dedicated, committed and effective evangelist shares a message on the importance of this office. He covers many areas of this office of ministry as it relates to God, the Church and to the Evangelist himself.”

The Evangelist

Ephesians 4:7-16, “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”


Evangelist Don Womack said, according to Ephesians 4: 11, "It is a sin of commission to reject the divine office of the evangelist: a sin of omission to ignore the office; and a sin of transgression to abuse the office."

I. Rejecting the Office of the Evangelist

To Reject The Office Of Evangelist Is To:

A. Criminal Unbelief in the Word of God

To reject the office of evangelist is Criminal Unbelief in the Word of God. Christ’s method of evangelism includes Christ’s gift of the evangelist and is clearly stated in the Word of God. To reject the office the Lord Jesus Christ gives to His church for her up building and maturation in Ephesians 4:11 is to say to the Lord Jesus, “You did not know what You are doing.” Such a slap in our lord’s face will not go unpunished.

B. Thanklessness for the Gift of Christ

To reject the office of evangelist is to be thankless for the (“doron”) gift Christ has given. Every good gift comes from Him. To refuse to use an evangelist is to be unthankful for the Great Commission and the practical tool (the evangelist) Christ has given the church to reap a harvest and incite the church to do the same.

C. Placing Man’s Plans above God’s Plan

To reject the office of evangelist is placing man’s plans above God’s plan. It is clear that Paul decided that only a clear presentation of the Gospel of Christ is the way to reach people under any circumstances. God’s way is that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” While every Christian is to witness and pastors are to do the work of an evangelist, God still has given certain harvesters(evangelists) to the church to lead out in the harvest. As Junior Hill says, “Using an evangelist is like using a combine in the harvest as opposed to a single ingathering. There is a mass ingathering when God’s gift is used.” Calling an evangelist forces the local church to get out and bring the lost to sit under the hearing of the Word in a revival meeting. The more wheat (lost), in front of the combine the greater the harvest.

Some time ago I was asked to preach the pilot BAPTISM ASSISTANT PROJECT for the North American Mission Board. It was originally called the LOW AND NO BAPTISM PROJECT. This project helps low and no baptism churches to utilize the office of the Evangelist. Dr. Tom Johnston clearly gives the circumstances of this inner city church in the following e-mail. “It sure was a blessing to have Keith preach a revival at Central Baptist church, a church that has been a mission church since its inception in 1950, due to its location. First as an Italian Mission, and now in a changing neighborhood with 60 nations and 27 languages at the local public elementary school (Garfield Elementary School).Here are my responses to your questions:
1) I have preached at Central Baptist since July 4, 2004, and not long after I began preaching, they asked me to be their interim pastor.

2) The community has a very strong ethnic population (60 nations as mentioned above). The predominant ethnicities are Somali and Sudanese. I have been told that the Somalis are organized into tribes with 5 chiefs in our area (a friend of mine met with them last year). We have made some inroads into the young Sudanese “Christian” population, but have had more difficulty in reaching the Muslims (especially the Somali). I use a Somali Bible that I found online for free (at, and seeing their language intrigues the Somali. Therefore I include the Bible portion on which I am speaking in six languages (including Arabic and Somali), as well as on leaflets that we hand out door-to-door.

3) The church had three people in attendance when I first preached on July 4, 2004. One of those men went to a retirement home and moved his membership. We have been averaging 29-32 for the past 6 months on Sunday morning, and we began giving to the cooperative program in January 2006. We go out weekly in door-to-door evangelism, and have made numerous positive contacts for the Gospel. It has been very hard work.

4) As a professor of evangelism, I have my notes that I teach on the gift and role of the evangelist. This weekend with Keith Fordham opened my eyes to the harvest potential of a God-called evangelist, in conjunction with the emphasis on soul-winning stemming from a planned revival. This combination was fantastic and fruitful. As a professor of evangelism I lead out evangelism teams weekly to other local churches for door-to-door (so far 32 churches in the KC metro), as well as lead weekly door-to-door at Central. I always give an invitation and seek to keep the Gospel primary. However, even with that constant emphasis on evangelism at our church, the revival provided for an even greater focus on evangelism. I am grateful that the response of the church and the neighborhood went beyond my expectations. I am also grateful for the 16 saved (at our church field) and the 10 who were baptized. This church had not baptized for over 30 years because their baptismal leaked, perhaps people were not being saved, and they may have morphed into a social ministry due to the huge physical needs of the neighborhood.

Thank you for allowing me to clarify these points. I hope these answers provide you assistance. I am truly grateful for Keith’s ministry among us!
Gratefully in Christ,

A portion of an article from the Christian Index (Georgia Baptist State Paper) gives additional information of how well the church was prepared for the meeting.
NAMB, Southern Baptist Evangelists strategize to help churches with no/low baptisms
By J. Gerald Harris, Editor
Published August 3, 2006
“Georgia Baptist evangelist Keith Fordham … to conduct revival services at Central Baptist Church in Kansas City, Mo. Central had not baptized anyone in 30 years.

Tom Johnston, assistant professor of Evangelism at Midwestern, is the interim pastor of Central and asked Fordham to come to Kansas City to teach a class on vocational evangelism. …Johnston mobilized all the evangelism classes to go out into the streets of Kansas City to witness and pass out flyers in Arabic, Somali, French, Vietnamese, Spanish and English.

Twenty-eight members of Macedonia Baptist Church in Springfield, Mo. joined nearly 50 faculty and students from the seminary in the outreach effort, which included an abbreviated version of Vacation Bible School on Saturday afternoon. As a result of these efforts 16 people were saved and Central Baptist Church baptized 10 of the new converts.

A tent was set up on the church property for the VBS and for the Friday and Saturday night revival services. A new convert, Danny Friedrich, was lifted from his wheelchair and placed in the cattle trough to be baptized at the Friday night service. It was the first baptism for Central Baptist Church in more than 30 years.

Johnston said, ‘The outdoor baptism sent a spiritual tremor throughout the neighborhood.’ Indeed, it did, because many people from the neighborhood came to the services on Saturday and Sunday. Many rededications and public professions of faith followed that first baptism.

Fordham commented, ‘All of our efforts were blessed by God. Door-to-door visitation and old-fashioned revival work in inner cities with multilingual people. Preaching and talking about Jesus works anywhere, anytime. It worked for the Apostle Paul in an unseeded gentile society; it will work today.’ i

Keith was asked ‘How will you change the message to reach the crime ridden people of the inner city who have no idea what a revival is.’

He said, ‘I will preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified, risen, and coming again just like Paul did to pagan Greeks and Romans. There is no changing of the eternal message of the Lord Jesus Christ.’” (end of article from the Christian Index)

D. No Desiring God’s Best

To reject the office of evangelist is not desiring God’s best. Jesus is God’s best and His gift to the church, are God’s best including the evangelist.

Malcolm McDow points out, concerning revival, “In the Southern Kingdom every national revival occurred during one of three required Feasts: Passover, Pentecost, or Feast of Tabernacles. One explanation for this association was that the festivals allowed the people to assemble as a nation. It is interesting to note that the revival at Pentecost in Acts 2 ignited during this festival.” ii The Holy Spirit has allowed Baptist’s to come together on a smaller scale in local revivals. This allows every ministry of the church to come together for a common goal in one accord. The Children’s ministry, Student Ministry, College and Career, Young married couples, Midlife ministry, Singles again, and Senior adults to be in the same service for the same purpose of renewal and evangelism. It is the only week in the year this occurs. Some churches even call their revival a festival. Sometimes Associations, small towns and even entire counties, unite many churches, call an evangelist, and work together to reach an entire area for Christ. Baptist will join with other denominations to send a spiritual tremor through entire communities.

In Nehemiah 8:14-18 They found written in the law how the Lord had commanded through Moses that the Israelites should dwell in booths during the festival of the seventh month. So they proclaimed and spread this news throughout all their towns and in Jerusalem, saying, "Go out to the hill country and bring back branches of olive, wild olive, myrtle, palm, and other leafy trees to make booths, just as it is written." The people went out, brought back branches, and made booths for themselves on each of their rooftops, and courtyards, the court of the house of God, the square by the Water Gate, and the square by the Gate of Ephraim. The whole community that had returned from exile made booths and lived in them. They had not celebrated like this from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day. And there was tremendous joy. (HCSB)

Tremendous joy comes to God’s church when we set aside a time to pray, prepare witness and come together under a God called evangelist for revival and evangelism. Having a revival allows us to return in obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. With this true repentance, God restores the great joy of our salvation. Thus our service to God is once more joy and not drudgery. Our fellowship is electric and even the lost people want to be a part that kind of fellowship.

E. Arrogant Pride

To reject the office of evangelist is arrogant pride. Because to say you do not need the office of the evangelist is to say you do not need God’s method or gift or way. Your church is operating in a mode that does not need God’s word or way. Pride goes before a fall. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
To reject the office of evangelist is following false doctrine. The false doctrine is to say that the gift of the evangelist no longer exists. It was over with the New Testament. Until time ends the Lord Jesus will see to it that certain men are saved, called and given to His church to fill the office of evangelist.

F. Ignoring the Harvest

To reject the office of evangelist is actively ignore the Harvest. Is to say “I will not witness and I will not plan to harvest the fields Jesus has said are already white unto harvest.” The only thing worse than being lost is to be lost and to have the only people on earth God has sent searching for you to reject every means available to find you.

To reject the office of evangelist is a sin of Commission. Because you are actively going against the revealed will of God. This is among the greatest of sins for a Christian.

II. Ignoring the Office of the Evanglist

To Ignore The Office Of Evangelist Is:

To ignore the office of evangelist is to have blood on our hands. Because we will not do all God has asked us and equipped us to do to reach the lost. Dr. Darrel Robinson In his book Total Church Life shares the testimony of a Father’s effort to save his son. He said, “A hurricane hit the Gulf coast of Texas! …The floods subsided by Wednesday night when we gathered for prayer meeting… they were searching Vince’s Bayou for the body of a fourteen year old boy, Eddie Meek, who had made a profession of faith a month earlier at one of our church’s bus ministry youth services.

The next morning I sat across from Eddie’s father, Leroy Meek. He looked like a bum… He had been fishing the bayou for his son’s body all night. Leroy began to tell the story. "I am a foreman for a large construction company. I did not go to work yesterday due to the flooding. We have eight children. I told them not to go outside to play. But, while I took a nap, three of the boys slipped out and made a raft of styrofoam material and began to float down the bayou. The raft broke up. Two of the boys were able to get out, but Eddie could not get out. The other two raced home and awakened me. I jumped into the pickup truck and sped to the bayou. I tried to reach Eddie, but the concrete sides were steep and the water was rushing and I couldn't get to him. He was screaming, 'Daddy, help me! Help me, I can't hold on much longer!'

"I ran back to the pickup truck and grabbed a rope. Eddie screamed, `Somebody help me! I can't hold on much longer!' I threw him the rope, but the rope was too short!"

As I listened to Leroy, a chill went down my spine. I choked back tears as I visualized the scene he described. It was like God was speaking to me and showing me the multitudes of hurting people near our church. Like Eddie, they were clinging to whatever they could hold on to. They were crying, "Help me! Somebody help me! I can't hold on much longer." And Christians and churches were throwing out ropes, but the ropes were too short to reach the world.””iii

Sometimes it takes a tragedy for us to see responsibility to get the preacher and God’s people in gear to reach the community. Brother Robinson led Leroy Meek, a man who could not read and had never been in church with his children, to Christ. Twenty five adults and young people accepted Christ as Darrell preached John 3:16 at the funeral.

Darrell told his congregation on Sunday morning, “multitudes of hurting people are clinging to whatever they can hold on. They were crying, "Help me, somebody help me. I can't hold on much longer!"

We are throwing out ropes that are too short to reach today's world. What are some of these short ropes?

*Social religion
*Mere morality
*Empty talk
*Mere human effort

These ropes are too short.

Some are reaching out for ropes that are too short—the ropes of religion rather than a relationship with Christ, of wishful thinking, of dependence on morality. But there is a rope that is not too short. It is Jesus! He came all the way from the glory of heaven to each one of us.”iv The invitation lasted one hour and forty minutes. One hundred and sixty seven were saved. The church became a soul winning station for Christ where people were disciple and then disciple others. Leroy Meeks led over fifty people to Christ that year because he found that Jesus is the rope that is not too short. When it came time for Leroy to die he knew where he was going. All this because Darrell Robinson made sure that the blood of that community was not on his hands. Yes he even called in evangelists to help. Today Darrell is an evangelist.

A. Work without God’s Provision

To ignore the office of evangelist is to work without God’s provision. You have to go out of your way to get the lost under the preaching and invitation of the evangelist. You just ignore your responsibility because of the effort and financial cost it will take. You do not want to put out the effort to get lost people in front of the evangelist so he can harvest the wheat. Like the men who ignored the Gadarene Demoniac let’s not think about reaching this man, let us take care of our own business.

B. Be Under the Curse of Meroz

To ignore the office of evangelist is to be under the curse of Meroz! Judges 5:23 "Curse Meroz," says the Angel of the Lord, "Bitterly curse her inhabitants, for they did not come to help the Lord, to help the Lord against the mighty warriors."(HCSB)

Generally in scripture we think of the Lord helping men. Here we have just the opposite taking place. Twice in one verse men are accused of not helping the Lord. It is talking about them not coming to help Deborah or Barak against a great enemy. Israel was God’s covenant people and had a responsibility to act on God’s behalf. In the New Testament God’s church is given marching orders to win the world to Christ. Every member of the church is to be an active witness of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

1. Fear

Some reasons for Meroz not fighting are identical with reasons some Christians are not witnessing. First, fear is one reason. Fear because we do not believe in the power of Christ to save. We cover the name of Jesus and place a drape over the power of God when we need to turn the Gospel loose; “for it is the power of God to salvation.” It is criminal unbelief in what Jesus can do through us.

2. Comfort

Secondly, we are at ease in Zion and do not want to get out the comfort zone long enough to obey the great commission. We miss God’s purpose when we fail to seek and save the lost. One of God’s greatest offices in the battle to win the world to Jesus, are His evangelists. This itinerant roving ministry is to be used by every church. To refuse to go out of your way to do whatever it takes to have an evangelist, a Christ given man, in your church is criminal unbelief. It is serving God your own way as Cain did. No wonder there is a curse of deadness on our churches.

3. Disobedience

Thirdly Jesus said, in Luke 11:23 “Anyone who is not with Me is against Me, and anyone who does not gather with Me scatters.” (HCSB) We are in essence fighting God himself we do not utilize all God has given us to win the lost. Evangelists are listed in scriptural order even before the pastor. Any church or pastor who stays only in his own village and is not willing to step outside of his own interests enough to not only pray for God’s Warrior’s, Evangelists, but to support and use them is under the curse of Meroz. The curse of Meroz is a bitter curse.

4. Inaction

Fourthly, It was to "to help the Lord against the mighty warriors." (Judges 5:23c) There are a minority large Baptist churches and small Baptist churches that are not giving public invitations and not holding revivals. Southern Baptists are the keepers of the invitation, and know how to hold local revivals and area crusades. When I preach small town crusades the other denominations say, you Baptists know how to hold evangelistic meetings and we do not. Baptists are personal soul winners. Just as Phillip, the Evangelist, left the great Samaritan Crusade and witnessed to the Eunuch. Baptists in my lifetime have effectively used these Bible methods from house to house and to large crowds. Peter preached to crowds on Pentecost to win the lost. When Baptists allow our people to forget God’s methods we will not only plateau but die. We will disappear from history as Meroz did. We have more evangelists than any other denomination in America. But instead of the 500 we have we need 5,000. Our enemy is great but, our Lord Jesus Christ is greater. Never forget that truth.

5. Opposition

Fifthly, the attitude that you will let others be aggressive in witnessing when the world is headed for hell is wrong. Not only should you take your place in the battlefront for Christ, but you need to turn loose of funds and employee God’s chosen men (evangelists) to assist in the battle for souls. You have been given your marching orders, the Great Commission, and need to take part in this war, with all you are and all you have at your disposal. That includes God’s Evangelists. Yet you say the day of the evangelist is over. My church is in such a revival we do not believe in God’s methods. Like Meroz you do not need to be a part of God’s overall plan when you needed the most.

6. Popularity

Sixthly, Meroz may have listened to all the polls that were conducted and said they can fight the battle as they want to, but our survey says that God’s way is not right we will use the latest method, since we have not offended the enemy; there is no need for us to join in the battle.

Well Paul took a survey in Corinth and the results of that report are given in 1 Corinthians 1:21-25 says “For since, in God's wisdom, the world did not know God through wisdom, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of the message preached. For the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. Yet to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is God's power and God's wisdom, because God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength.”(HCSB) My friend, Baptists have believed so many surveys. Stop wasting your time and be obedient to God’s Word. Preach Christ and Him crucified and to those who respond in belief it is the power of God. House to house and in revival, preach Jesus. In so doing revival will come and souls will be saved. And the curse of Meroz will be removed from our churches.

C. Operate outside God’s Perfect Will

To ignore the office of evangelist is to operate in God’s permissive will and not in His perfect will. God’s perfect will includes the evangelist. If this were not so, the Perfect Lord Jesus Christ would not have given the evangelist to the church. A church cannot have godly growth and maturity without the ministry of the evangelist. For a church to go even one year without using an evangelist is to be outside of God’s perfect will. After looking at men like me, you may not be able to figure out the “why” of God’s will, but ours is not to reason why, but rather to do God’s perfect will. While God’s second best is better than the devil’s “any best”, we still miss spiritual power and effectiveness in God’s permissive will. In making Saul, King, there were consequences to pay taxes, sons and daughters in the Kings service and removed from home etc…Saul was a Benjamite and the King was to come from Judah. But Judah’s sin with his daughter in law had consequences. According to Deut 23:2 “No one of illegitimate birth may enter the Lord's assembly; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, may enter the Lord's assembly,” would not allow a descendant of Judah to be king until the tenth generation. In Matthew Chapter one, we discover that Jesse is the ninth generation and David is the tenth generation. Allowing Saul to be king was God’s permissive will and not His revealed perfect will. God’s permissive will had consequences to the entire nation and to the world. The same is true of any church that rejects the office of evangelist.

D. Being Lukewarm for Christ

To ignore the office of evangelist is to be lukewarm. Rev 3:16-17 “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth.” Not only witness, but bring a firebrand evangelist in the midst of your congregation and see what God will do. In Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan again and again, gained a blessing every time evangelist was around. When you have an evangelist to preach before your congregation you will find the same to be true among your people. I often hear men and women who are new Christians say, “I did not know what a revival or an evangelist was until this week and I did not miss a service!” Others say, “This revival gives me a chance to make up for times I missed sitting under the Word of God in earlier times of my life!” An evangelist is one of God’s catalysts for revival and evangelism. Let the fire fall.
Who Am I?

I never was guilty of wrong action but on my account lives have been lost, trains have been wrecked, ships have gone down at sea, cities have burned, battles have been lost, governments have failed and souls have gone to hell.

I never struck a blow nor spoke an unkind word, but because of me homes have been broken up, friends have grown cold, the laughter of children has ceased, wives have shed bitter tears, brothers and sisters have forgotten, fathers and mothers have gone broken-hearted to their graves, and I have blood on my hands.

I have intended no evil, but because of me talent and genius have come to naught, courtesy and kindness have failed, the promise of success and happiness has yielded sorrow and disaster, and hopelessness has reigned.

I have no color except grey, no sound but just my silence, no cause but self, no progeny except grief and disaster. I cause church pews to be empty. You may not on the instant call me by name, but surely you are personally acquainted with me. I am Neglect.

E. Neglect our Duty

To ignore the office of evangelist is neglect of duty. During the course of a normal year a pastor has so many good things to do, that he often is forced by time and circumstance to attend the squeaky wheel and even do important tasks, but these generally are to the neglect the Great Commission in his own Jerusalem. Even with the 15 mission trips to unreached people groups. When you call an evangelist and set aside a space on the calendar it forces the pastor, staff and church body to unite in one accord for preparation and soul winning. It forces Sunday School teachers to call the entire Sunday School roll. Pack a pew or men’s steak night gives God’s people an excuse to invite a lost friend to get under the hearing of God’s Word and be challenged to place their faith in Christ. To call in the evangelist stirs the congregation to take advantage of God’s harvester.

F. Treason

To ignore the office of evangelist is treason! As an ambassador for Christ it is our duty to present the Gospel God’s way. Utilizing an evangelist is one of those ways. Not to do so is treason against our Lord Jesus Christ. You may say Jesus can save men without an evangelist. Yes, He can and He does, but thank God He chooses to use Evangelists! Since He chooses to do so, “Why don’t you?”

III. Abusing the Office of the Evangelist

To Abuse The Office Of Evangelist Is:

A. Feed the Flesh like Esau

To abuse the office of evangelist is to feed the flesh like Esau, for a moment and lose a lifetime of blessing. Through the years a few evangelist have given up their ministry for illicit relationship with a woman, or have allowed alcohol or drugs to take away their lamp stand. For some they were caught in a moment, for others it was a lifestyle. God hated Esau because of his sin and God hates men who commit such sin. With Greater influence for Christ comes a greater responsibility. To run the risk of God’s hatred is a greater price than any man can pay. Evangelist friend, do all you can to protect God’s calling on your life. Even those who are restored never again reach the influence for God they once had.

B. Lose your Reputation

To abuse the office of evangelist is to lose a reputation you cannot buy back. While you may find God’s forgiveness, you will, like King David sinning with Bath Sheba, suffer the consequences for the rest of your life. It is like getting drunk and your arm and a foot in a car wreck. You can be forgiven for getting drunk, but on this earth you will never get the arm and foot back. This holds true in the spiritual realm. You will never again be used as you would have been because of your sin. You will have permanently lost influence and trust.

C. Sin in Destructive Ways

To abuse the office of evangelist is to sin with finances, females, fame (pride), family, and/or jealousy (which causes us to speak in an evil manner against fellow ministers).

The devil will see to it that every evangelist is tempted in the above mentioned areas. Evangelist Billy Graham took an offering into his room in the Atlanta crusade in the 1950’s. It was photographed and he never again touched the offering money. He abstained from the very appearance of evil. He has in fact taken far less money than he deserved. The majority of evangelists do not have enough income to be tempted. Because there is no money to steal, the temptation does not exist. It is reasonable and proper for an evangelist to live on a salary and set up an organization that is non profit, and above board in all ways.

However the desperate need of funds may cause finances to be on the evangelists mind continuously. This can cause evangelists to give the idea that all they are interested in is money. Clearly let churches and ministers understand what your financial needs are to meet your budget. Most pastors care about your ministry needs and are very gracious in asking their people to give.

When God uses you, and you see men and women’s lives changed, there is a temptation for you to think you did it. Always remember that God allows you to be present, but only He can save. You have to put your pants on one leg at a time just like any other man. You are man and Jesus is God. Remember this truth. Do not get haughty and think you are better than other men. God’s grace places you where you are. If people’s lives are changed it is the Lord Jesus Christ who did it. If their lives are not changed it is their sin that kept it from happening. Your job is to preach the Word and draw the net. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.

Fatigue from so much travel can often cause you to lose contact with your family. I took my family on the road with me. Brother Keith, that is too difficult. It was difficult for my wife and I, but not for the Lord. While many evangelists have ministered to others, their families have been without a father and husband. God can handle that circumstance as well, but you need to do all you can to let your family know how God is using you and why what you do is important. That takes extra effort. Contact them every day and speak with every family member and show interest in their lives.

My children missed ball practices, ball games and all kinds of other events for church revivals where I preached. When parents who would come up to me during those revivals and say, “We will not be at the revival tomorrow night because of a ball practice.” I would reply “My child is missing their ball practice tomorrow night for your churches revival. If my kids are missing practices over 40 weeks a year for somebody else’s church, it is not too much for me to ask for your kids to miss one game for your own church’s revival once a year.” I got the handle, THE NO EXCUSE EVANGELIST. Today, our daughter, son in law and granddaughter are extremely active their local church’s ministry. Our Son is pastoring a church along with our daughter in law and grandson. That is after being in church for at least five preaching services every week. But they were a part of our ministry and saw what the Living God was doing.

Fatigue can cause you to dislike being around people and because you struggle emotionally or financially you can be jealous of other ministers. You can speak ill of others when you do not need to. And all of us can act like the devil when we are sick and exhausted. Ask the pastor to allow you to rest. He will generally understand. Learn to say no to meetings and do not preach yourself into complete exhaustion. You may say, Keith, you are calling the frying pan black. I have been extremely guilty in this area. I collapsed in 2000 from sheer exhaustion. I left a revival meeting and canceled a meeting for the first time in over 1000 revivals. My wife said “You are trusting yourself for our income and not God.” She was right. God miraculously provided for our needs. It is easy to forget that God supplies all our needs. Most men think we provide. It is not true! God provides the air we breathe, our strength and our finances. He even provides jobs and retirement income. God does it His way and we should never usurp His provision by providing our own way.

D. Despise your Ministry

To abuse the office of evangelist is to despise the ministry God has called you to. Jonah despised his ministry and the revival God sent on the people of Nineveh. He despised the way God used him to bring to his enemies to repentance. God forced him to be obedient. Even so God sends evangelists out Matt 9:36-38 “When He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out (ekbálee) workers into His harvest.” “Ekballo” means cast forth or out, drive out, expel, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put forth and send away. Jesus has all authority and told us to win disciples. He can move us out through persecution or we can be compelled by love and relationship with Christ. We can make it a chore or get revived and witness gladly. We become as Vance Havner said, “As straight as a gun barrel theologically, but just as empty spiritually.” Not filled with the Spirit and operating only on head knowledge, and physical effort. We operate in God’s purpose, but not in God’s strength. In college we would pray before a revival service and say “Lord, Thank you for the beating we are about to receive because we knew the evangelist was going to get on us for not witnessing.” The conviction was so strong and lasting that if I did not lead someone to Christ during a given week, I would fall on my knees and repent, wondering why it had not happened and how I might have quenched the Holy Spirit.

When we serve the Lord out of head knowledge, and not out of the overflow of the Spirit of Christ, we will get angry, bitter and end up like Jonah as far away from lost people and God’s people as possible. We care more about a gourd, or doctrine or some petty thing than the lost souls Jesus saves. Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” Sometimes enemies are church members. But let the love of Christ propel you through to victory and joy. Do not end up bitter and miserable like Jonah did.

Jonah 4:1-11 “But Jonah was greatly displeased and became furious. He prayed to the Lord: "Please, Lord, isn't this what I said while I was still in my own country? That's why I fled toward Tarshish in the first place. I knew that You are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to become angry, rich in faithful love, and One who relents from sending disaster. And now, Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live." The Lord asked, "Is it right for you to be angry?" Jonah left the city and sat down east of it. He made himself a shelter there and sat in its shade to see what would happen to the city. Then the Lord God appointed a plant, and it grew up to provide shade over Jonah's head to ease his discomfort. Jonah was greatly pleased with the plant. When dawn came the next day, God appointed a worm that attacked the plant, and it withered. As the sun was rising, God appointed a scorching east wind. The sun beat down on Jonah's head so that he almost fainted, and he wanted to die. He said, "It's better for me to die than to live." Then God asked Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?" "Yes," he replied. "It is right. I'm angry enough to die!" So the Lord said, "You cared about the plant, which you did not labor over and did not grow. It appeared in a night and perished in a night. Should I not care about the great city of Nineveh, which has more than 120,000 people who cannot distinguish between their right and their left, as well as many animals?"” (HCSB)

E. Damage the Body of Christ

To abuse the office of evangelist is to do great damage to God’s body (the church). When an evangelist sins or abuses the office God has called him to, he does not fulfill God’s plan and purpose to mature and upbuild the church. Morale in an army is more important in battle than nearly any factor. You, dear evangelist, are Christ’s gift to the church. Your attitude should lift the morale of any pastor, teacher, or laymen seeking to serve the Lord. When you sin or become bitter or ugly in attitude or in spirit you hurt our Christ’s body. Preach and call men to Christ with the authority of God. But do not abuse or use the authority for yourself, but for the Lord Jesus and His bride.

F. Push Men away from Christ

To abuse the office of evangelist is to push men away from Christ. When an evangelist abuses the office he pushes lost men away from Christ. They see you and your sin. They get their eyes off Jesus. You catch fish for Jesus and he will clean them. Point men to Christ and do not get in the way. Some will reject the Lord, but not because you hindered them. Some years ago a television-evangelist, not an itinerant evangelist, but a man who pastored a church, had a moral failure and stayed on in his pulpit when he was asked to get out. For the next three years nearly every lost man I witnessed to brought his name up to me as an excuse for not trusting Christ.

Recently an evangelist had a moral failure that turned out to have been going on over a period of years. A pastor said, “The people who were saved under his preaching at my church wondered if they were really saved. It took several weeks for me to remind them that Jesus saves no matter what circumstances they came to know Him were.” Sin causes confusion and when the man in pulpit sins it is hurtful to everyone in God’s work.

Honor the Christ given office of the evangelist and Christ’s purpose to seek and save the lost will be fulfilled everywhere you go. Abuse the office and great damage will be sustained in your personal life, your family, God’s family the church, and in the lost world. Souls will go to hell and the blood of many will be on your hands.

i NAMB, Southern Baptist Evangelists strategize to help churches with no/low baptisms By J. Gerald Harris, Editor, Christian Index Published August 3, 2006
ii Malcolm McDow points out in FireFall: How God Has Shaped History Through Revivals on page 63, by Malcolm McDow and Alvin Reid published by Pleasant Word, a division of Wine Press Publishing, PO Box 428, Enumclaw, WA 98022 printed 2002
iii Total Church Life by Darrell Robinson p 11
iv Ibid. p13