
Title: Surprise
Subject: Cancer

Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." NKJV

November 1, 2005 is a day I will never forget. That day Sandra and I both were very surprised. The radiologist placed her arm on Sandra's shoulder and spoke the most surprising words, "Sandra, you have cancer in your right breast." We were speechless. I held Sandra as close as I could, but I knew that comfort in this time must come from another source. Sandra later told me that when she heard those words she was devastated. Then, just as if it was an audible voice, she heard the Lord say to her heart, "Sandra, I am not surprised. I knew the cancer was there. I will be with you through this."

Life is always full of surprises. As a Christian we know that God makes the days in which we live. He has made this day. No matter how surprising the events of this day may be, we know that He made this day. There are no surprises for Him. Our joy is in knowing that He already knows the surprises, and He is already working His will out in our lives.

Your day may have some surprises. I hope they are pleasant, but they may not be. My prayer is that you will recognize the truth that Sandra learned. No matter the severity of the surprise, He knows about it. Our Lord is with us in every turn of life. If the day overwhelms you, be comforted. The day has not overwhelmed God. Call on Him today. Let Him give you the strength to go through the toughest surprise.

Bless the Lord,O my soul!!!

Think on these things.