
Title: Refreshing
Subject: Attitude

Philemon 7, "For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother." NKJV

Occasionally we meet people that are rude and mean-spirited. They may be in the doctor''s waiting room. They may be in the line at the grocery store. They may be at the "return line" at the department store. People with an ugly disposition can show up anywhere.

The goal of every believer should be to glorify Christ. Christians are salt and light to a world that needs help. We are to be careful that we do not hurt the name of Christ with an ugly disposition. After all we have the Holy Spirit living in us, so we should be pleasant. Philemon was known for being a refreshing person, especially to the saints. Our lives should copy his example.

Today, you will travel through a world that can be unpleasant. Be pleasant to those around you. You may be the only refreshing person they meet today. Let the Spirit of Christ dwell in you fully today. With a refreshing spirit you will soften hard hearts. You may be the one to touch a life that no one else can reach.

Take the Name of Jesus With You!!!

Think on these things.