Key To Soul Winning

Title: Key To Soul Winning
Category: Evangelism Issues
Subject: Evangelism
The Greatest Key To Soul Winning
Jim Mastin

Someone asked me one time, "What is the one greatest key to being a successful soul winner?

Now, to be sure, there are many important things involved in soul winning. Prayer is important. The Holy Spirit is important. Knowing some scriptures is important. But I submit to you that the one most important ingredient is to be "soul conscious".

What does it mean to be soul conscious? It simply means to be aware that every person you see has a soul and that every soul will spend eternity in heaven or hell. And it is the soul winners business to find out if its hell and try and do something about it.

If every Christian was constantly on the lookout for unsaved people, just think how many would be brought into the Kingdom. Just think if every Christian kept a pocket full of tracts to pass out as the opportunity arises. I can remember a man I knew back in Wisconsin that walked around with tracts in his hand. Everyplace he went, even at church I would see them in his hand. He had made it such a habit that it became natural to carry tracts like a lady will carry a purse. That way it was always on his mind.

What I'm saying is, it ought to be a natural thing for the Christian to automatically think of the waitress as a prospect for soul winning. As well as the person next to you pumping gas at the station; the doctor that cares for you; the person that cuts your hair; the person in the seat next to you on the plane; people in waiting rooms; people at funerals; people at weddings; people in your neighborhood; etc. etc.