How To Triple Your Soul Winning

Title: How To Triple Your Soul Winning
Category: Evangelism Issues
Subject: Soul Winning
Soul Winning
Jim Mastin


Years ago I discovered an easy way to triple soul winning efforts. After graduating from college, my first associate experience was in a church in Miami, Florida. Part of my responsibility was hospital visitation. I was able to win a number of people to the Lord doing hospital visits, which was a blessing, but then one day something very simple dawned on me. If I visited the room on each side of the room I had come to visit, I would have visited three times as many people while at the same location. My soul winning immediately more than tripled because so many of them were lost people.

Later I applied that same logic to all visitation. When visiting prospects or visitors from our Sunday services, I made a habit of visiting the homes on either side of the one I had planned to visit. I was already in the area, so travel expense and travel time was not an issue. Plus, it was very easy to make that kind of a visit since I was already there. I just simply knocked on the door and told the people I had just visited their neighbor, the Browns, and wanted to meet them while in the neighborhood.

With something already in common (you both knew the Browns), it was a natural opening. Through this simple approach, many were saved and many new families were reached for the church.

Which brings one more thought to the table. We must never forget that in order to reach people, and to build a church, we must get out of the office and into the field. The Bible doesn't say, "The office is white unto harvest." If we get out there, we CAN build a church, and we can do it three times as fast if we use the idea above.

Let's go soul winning!