Father Knows Best

Title: Father Knows Best
Subject: Trust
Father Knows Best

Matthew 6:32, “For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” NKJV

A little boy ran eagerly to his dad with a toy in his hand. It was a toy he had found in the toy department of the store in which they were shopping. The dad saw the joy on his son's face turn to disappointment. The dad said to the son, "I could buy you that toy, but you don''t need that toy. You will get hurt playing with it so you cannot have the toy." Of course, the child cried. Then he cried some more. Eventually the child became angry at the father. The father stood his ground and finally the boy submitted. You may have witnessed the same experience, or you may be like me. I was the little boy.

As believers we sometimes run to God with some thing in our hands or in our hearts. God knows best. Sometimes He responds to us in the same way our earthly fathers responded. God knows that some of the stuff we want is not good for us. He knows that car is going to give us trouble. He knows that person is not going to be our friend. He knows that trip will bring sorrow rather than joy. He knows that borrowing that money will not be easy to repay. There are millions of scenarios that you could describe. The bottom line is that God knows best.

Our part is critical in our fellowship with God. Will we get upset with God if He says "no" to our request? Will we get angry at Him? Will we pitch a "fit?" Today you may be struggling with some wish that God has refused. Confess to Him that He is wise and right. Admit your anger toward Him and praise Him for His goodness to you. Then enjoy the fellowship with a Heavenly Father that knows more than you do. He knows best.

What about a slingshot?!!

Think on these things.