Abiding Hope

Title: Abiding Hope
Subject: Hope
Abiding Hope

1 Corinthians 13:13 reads, "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." NKJV

I saw the truck pass by me in the parking lot. The family inside caught my attention. It was a grandfather and a grandmother with their small granddaughter in the middle. Being a grandparent caused me to gaze at them a little longer than usual. As the truck passed I noticed a small object lying on the bumper. It was a stuffed animal toy. Immediately l thought of Bootsie. Bootsie is a stuffed toy that accompanies my grandson, Nicholas, everywhere he goes. I knew the toy was in jeopardy, so I yelled to the driver. He stopped abruptly and looked back at me. I retrieved the toy and handed it to him. I will never forget the look on the grandmother's face. It was one of great relief. Then she said to the grandchild, "See, I told you we would find it." I knew they would have had a terrible day if the toy had been lost.

There are many people in this world who have lost something very valuable. They have lost hope. For whatever reason, they no longer believe life is meaningful. They have concluded that the peace and joy of living is something that is no longer available.

This is not true. Our verse today says that hope still abides. Christ Jesus is our hope. When He died and rose again He gave us the hope of everlasting life. That same hope keeps beating in our hearts today. Maybe you have left "hope" on the bumper of the truck. Maybe you have misplaced hope. Don't give up. Christ can restore all the joy to life. Call on Him in your darkest hour. It doesn't matter what circumstances you are going through, Christ promised to never leave you nor forsake you. Let Him comfort you today.

"See, I told you we would find it!!!"

Think on these things.